EU MediaBus Tour
European Commission Humanitarian and Civil Protection department
(ECHO), in collaboration with GVC and EWASH media tour of the west bank of South Hebron on March 18,2013. Photo by:Ahmad Daghlas/Polaris.
in Area C have been struggling to cope with unpredictable, limited
water supplies for many years. It is estimated that 60,000 of those
living in Area C are not connected to a water network. However, those
with a network water connection are not guaranteed adequate supply;
one quarter of connected homes in the West Bank receive less than 50
litres per capita per day (lcd) and some receive as little as 10-15
lcd. Families may pay over NIS 50 (the equivalent of US$13) per cubic
metre of water from non network sources. This is ten times the
average cost of a networked water supply in the West Bank. The lack
of access to water and sanitation has a detrimental impact on the
health of communities, increasing the risk of water-related disease.